Weight Loss at Home Easy

8 Min Happy Dance Workout | Beginner Friendly No Jumping Fat Burning Cardio

Hello everyone, April I am here today to share a group of fun dance exercises without any jumping. The movements are very simple and do not require any basic education to be able to dance. You can definitely keep up with it. This exercise has a wonderful effect on burning fat as well. These exercises will focus mainly on exercising the legs, hips and arms. Back and abdomen This exercise routine can be performed once a day for a week and you will definitely see changes in yourself. Well, let's start today's workout! Well that's all for today you must be very tired now especially if you have just started exercising but please keep doing it for at least three or four days by then you will find that you are not as tired as the first time like today because your body has Adapt to the intensity and intensity of this exercise and you should start to see some changes in your body as a result of practicing this set of exercises. You will have greater motivation to continue for a longer period and the effect of your fat loss will be better. As a result of these positive results, our lives will always improve for the better. As for fat loss, your body will take shape. Wonderfully and your life will become better and better. There is another thing I would like to remind you here, which is that we are expected to sweat a lot in this exercise, especially when we exercise in the summer, but remember to wash with refreshing water after exercise. There are two things to be careful about. First, do not drink a lot of water. Cold water Drink a lot of cold water right after exercise because it will not only be harmful to our digestive system but also to the heart. Secondly, do not drink a lot of water once you finish the exercise especially if you have done an intense workout. If you are very thirsty you can drink a small amount of water with sips. Small, then after a period of time, for example, 15 minutes or 30 minutes, then drink about 300 ml of water. This is a healthier way. Well, that's all for today's video. I'm April.. See you in the next video. Bye.

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