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How To Shed Pounds In 7 Days: Top At-home Workouts For Women

hello hello hello guys so you are on day seven of the 14 day free challenge how are you guys feeling so today i just want to unwind i want to take it slow because we are going to be doing a nice stretching routine this is going to help your body to recover and it's just going to stretch out those muscles in case you guys are feeling a little bit sore so take this moment to relax breathe and just have a little bit of you time and i will see you guys tomorrow okay guys welcome to your first stretching routine so to begin facing me i just want you to inhale in and i want you to lift the arms up and exhale out let's breathe in again and exhale out again in and then i just want you to come all the way down to the floor hands touching if possible let's just move over to the right side [Music] and then move over to the left side feeling that stretch down the back of our legs okay now i want you to come on to a deep lunge so that nice stretch on the inner thigh breathing through each movement moving straight on over to the other leg again foot flexed then i just want you to come into a nice hip flexor stretch let's come up hands on the knee core engaged [Music] and let's step forward and let's split the legs [Music] hands by ankles using our chest towards our legs [Music] okay let's just walk that over to the other side so we're going to come down into a hip flexor stretch hands on the floor breathing through hands to knees facing forward chest up and then let's spit the legs again leading with the chest now we need to come forward let's open the legs a little bit wider hands to the floor and then let's just come on down to our knees so i want you facing me i just want you to lift the arms up and down i just want you to do a tricep stretch so back at the palm here on the back holding at the elbow feeling a nice stretch down at those triceps let's switch on over to the other side [Music] i just want you to open the chest hands to the side palms facing me let's do that again feel the chest the back opening now i just want you to lean over to one side so that nice stretch down the side of your body switching over to the other side breathe through each movement let's repeat that one more time so lean on over back to the beginning and then right back over to the other side okay now i just want you to come down facing me on the floor we're going to do a nice stretch on our glutes to twist the body hand holding the knee or the thigh looking back let's repeat that on the other side across the leg over twist hand on the thighs looking back okay let's bring our feet together into a butterfly stretch so knees close to the ground as possible and then i just want you to bring the chest as close as you can towards your feet hands on the floor breathing through the stretch [Music] you can come a little bit more forward move your hands slightly more towards the camera and then let's just come back up and let's twist to one side and the other feeling that twist in the spine and the obliques and that is the end of your first stretch

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