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20 Min Full Body Burn Workout – It’s Fun & Intense!

welcome everybody! We've got a 20 minute full body intense workout today. We've also included low-impact exercises for all exercises, so don't worry, we'll do this together. Also guys, be sure to check out their new website. We have new features, like join a challenge with a team of friends, track photos of your progress, a fitness diary, save your favorite recipes and more. She also launched a line of fitness equipment at Walmart. They are the most beautiful equipment you can find. So get it before it's gone! Click Please, leave me comments, share this video with your friends, and let's get started! We have 33 exercises, across 4 sets in this 20-minute routine. 20 to 30 seconds of exercise and 5 to 30 seconds of rest in between. Sit on your mat, and let's start the exercise with a sit and a kick. Starting like this, lift your knees off the floor, then bring one leg to the other side. Make sure you engage your abdominal muscles and do it slowly and with control. You don't want to hurt your shoulders or wrists. No rest here! We're going straight to Spider-Man Plank. We'll bring one leg out to the side, as close to your elbow as possible. Then repeat on the other side. Again, make sure you're engaging your abs here. We have 10 seconds of rest now, walking like a bear is next. Sit like this again and lift your knees off the ground. Now bring your left hand and right leg forward, then your right hand and left leg forward. Walk forward twice, then backward. Short rest now, and we have plank and leg curl raises. While in a high plank position, lift one leg up, then pull it toward your chest, then repeat on the other side. Again, make sure you're engaging your abs here. Great job guys! Flip yourself over and have knee and toe touches in a crab position. Lift your hips off your mat, touch your knee, then touch your toes. Make sure you are squeezing your abs here. Only three more exercises after this, and this is the first set. Short rest here and we have a single leg hip thrust. Lift one leg up, off the floor, and then lift your hips up. This will work your abs, arms, and glutes. Well done. Now let's switch to the other side. The last exercise for this group! We have burpee jacks. Don't let this scare you. We have low impacts. The exercises are long, so always take them at your own pace. It's totally okay. Start in plank, then jump with both legs, in, do jumping jacks, then repeat. For low impact, just take it gently and slowly, without jumps. And that's one set! Great job guys! Stop the video here if you need a long break. Okay, let's start set 2 with a squat and a jump. Start with your feet about shoulder width apart, brace your abs and squat down. Then jump, bringing your feet together like this, and then jump back into a squat. Always do it at your own pace. Short rest here and we have the knees raised. Raise your knees up, one by one. Try to raise your legs to hip level, and keep your abdominal muscles engaged. You guys are doing a great job! Deadlift to side lunge is next. Stand upright! Now push your hips back, and lift your leg up with your other knee slightly bent. Now return to the starting position and bring one leg out to the side, and lunge. Do it slowly and with control. You don't want to hurt yourself. Make sure you engage your abdominal muscles here and keep your back straight. No rest here, let's switch to the other leg. Rest for 10 seconds now, and we have a pop lunge knee. Now do a lunge by bringing one leg behind you. Make sure your front knee does not pass through your toes. Then jump back to center and bring one knee up. Then repeat on the other side. We're almost done with the second set. Scissors are next. Keep your abs engaged here, and make sure you don't swing your arms around. Do it in good shape. Relax, guys! Rest here for 10 seconds and the sliders are next. Jump to one side, balancing on one leg, bringing your other leg behind it. Then jump to the other side. Make sure you land softly. Be careful because you don't want to hurt your ankles or knees. If this is too difficult, just leave the jumps. No rest here. We're moving straight to kicking butt. Kick one leg behind you, one at a time. Try to increase your speed, as this exercise is very easy. Keep your heart rate here. This is group 2. Great job guys! Stop the video here if you need to catch your breath. You must finish this exercise, so don't give up. Just take a long break. Okay, let's start the third set with 180 degrees of burpees. Get into a high plank, then jump your legs toward your chest, jump to 180 degrees, then repeat. This can be a little difficult, so just switch to low-impact ones instead. It's totally okay. Short rest now and we have raised knees. Raise one knee, one at a time, to hip level. If you are very tired, you can always run in place instead. Relax, jump and side lunge are next. Bring one leg out to the side, then push your hips back and lunge. Go as low as you can, then push to return to the starting position, then jump and repeat. No rest here. Let's switch to the other side. You can always do low impact instead. Now rest for 10 seconds. And we have squats and kicks. You are capable of this exercise, so don't give up now! The remaining exercises are easier. Stand with your feet about palm-width apart, then squat. Make sure to engage your abdominal muscles and also your glutes, and when you come back, kick with your legs like this. No rest here! We go straight to running in place. This is really easy, so try to do it at a steady pace. relax! Only two exercises after this. The single-leg tuck is next. This is similar to Lange with the jump. Bring one leg behind

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