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How To Get Fit In 7 Days At Home

today on next hit we're going to be doing the Jennifer Aniston yoga abs workout so first things first we're going to work that core we're going to take one leg behind and we're going to straighten the arm in front and we're going to hold it here for 30 seconds so you just want to try and fixate on a point keeping that back nice and Tall toe pointed tummy pulled in and arm extended okay keep holding it there it's really good for strengthening those ankles and the legs keep holding it guys you've just got 30 seconds on this side five to go and then we're going to swap onto the other leg and let's swap onto the other leg so take a point fix on it and stretch out going to hold it here again for another 30 seconds so keep that tummy pulled in lift that leg a little bit more if you can and just concentrate on your balance you can really feel that strength in the ankles okay just hold it here for another five okay and release and we're going to go into the side plank dip this is great for your abs so we're going to hold it up here for 10 seconds and then we're going to release and we're going to do each side three times so let's put it up for 10 seconds you can lift your arm too it's going to really help those oblique muscles okay two One release and let's bring it back up for another 10 squeeze really tight those abdominal muscles and those obliques and relax and last set on this side pull it up again look to the sky three two one and let's swap to the other side and let's lift it up for [Music] 10 try and put it up as high as you can three two one a quick drop down and let's bring it back up again okay okay and three two one and last set on this side pull it back up again really strengthening those oblique muscles keep going guys it's going to be really good to keep that waist nice and Tiny pull up and release okay back to standing we're going to do a really good stretch and also to help our muscles stay really Center and core so we want to take our hands together in prayer we want to lift one leg up and we're just going to lean one elbow to the knee and we're going to do 30 seconds on each side so we're just going to hold it here pull in that tummy keep focused on a point nice and strong and that that toe nice and pointed okay in 10 we're going to switch onto the other leg you should really feel it in those calf muscles too and release okay bring it straight onto to the other side just want to twist that body across if you want a little bit more support you can bend that other knee it's going to help with your balance pull that tummy in we are working those abs this is great for stability keep going guys keep holding it there okay and let's just hold it here for another five keep going guys three two one okay now we're going to do the cresant knee up so we're going to Lunge backwards and we're going to pull up again holding our to knee right till we get to the top so 30 seconds with each leg let's start with the right we going to bend it down and put it up this is really great for your posture and to keep that abs really nice and tight and get that flat washboard stomach pull it up and lunge it down 10 seconds left to go on this leg and then we're going to swap it over to the left keep going guys you can really feel it in those calf muscles and let's swap to the other side let's take the left leg back remember if you focus on a point it's going to really help with your balance and this is called the Cent knee up now keep going really squeeze as you get to the top and five more seconds of this leg and then we're going to take it back down to the floor okay squeeze and now let's bring it back down to the floor we're going to do the low boat with squeezing one knee in so we want to hold it here and we're going to pull one leg in at a time so we do 30 seconds again with the right 30 seconds on the left let's take it away you can really feel those abs working if it is too difficult for you you can put one leg down and bring it in if you can manage it keep going like this really squeezing those abs every every time you come in okay almost ready to turn onto the other leg ready and switch okay left leg ready Pull It in keep that back nice and straight I can really feel it in those tummy muscles I hope you can too keep going guys excellent job it's going to be worth it in the a end keep going guys 10 seconds to go keep pushing it to the end and three 2 one okay now we're going to do a threel leg downward dog okay so it's like the normal downward dog we're going to take one leg and lift it so we just want to hold it up here now as high as you can pulling in that tummy the whole time it's really strengthening that ankle and lengthening out our hamstrings so keep going ready point that toe at the end nearly ready to change over It's A Hard Exercise so excellent job so far and if you're ready in two one let's change it over to the other side reposition your hands if you need to and let's lengthen that leg pull in the tummy and just gently see if you can get the back of your foot on the floor just to strengthen out that hamstring even further keeping the raised leg lifted and pointed and stretched excellent job everybody and three two one gently release down okay now we're going to go into the plank position is similar to mountain climbers we're just going to bring the leg across we're going to do 30 seconds with the right leg and 30 seconds with the left so if you're ready your hands are supported let's take it across if you need to modify it you can bring one leg down and put it across if you need to if not keep up nice and strong pulling in that tummy the whole time okay just a few more on this side and give me a cat stretch and then we're going to change on to the other side okay hands in position okay so your last 30 seconds we're just going to use our left leg and take it across holding that tummy in remember we are trying to get those Jennifer Aniston ABS so make sure you're squeezing the whole time and taking it across and pulling back in if you need to modify it you can just hold it out here and give me one more and release and a nice big cat stretch to end roll both shoulders and gently come up now you're halfway there to get in those Jennifer Anderson ABS but remember you need to keep working to keep improving and maintaining that toned body so guess what me Rebecca Louise and ex hit are here 5 days a week for you so subscribe to our channel it's free and I hope to see you again [Music] soon [Music] [Music]

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