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Do Carbs Make You Fat? Can You Eat Carbs To Lose Weight? To Lose Weight You Must Give Up Starch?

i always get messages from you guys asking do carp make us fat should we avoid carbs in our diet to lose weight but when we were kids most of us learned in school about the food pyramid where carbs seem to make up the biggest portion of what we should eat so should we eat carbs or not do they make us gain weight i personally used to eat a low carb diet as well cutting out rice and noodles throughout the week but after a while i felt more tired fatigued and actually because i started to eat too much protein and fat my health and fitness level were not the best either so i started looking more into it so does eating cups really make us fat what is this myth about let's find out together so what really makes a stay weight a calorie surplus it means when you eat more calories than your body burns these calories can come from any food not just carbs there are actually different types of carbs first sugar simple short chain compounds found in fruits and dessert second starch longer chain of sugar compounds such as bread pasta grains potatoes third dietary fiber such as vegetables that need to be broken down for absorption and cannot be digested by the gut alone so why do we need carbs it is one of the three macronutrients in food along with protein and fat and it is a vital energy source for the body carbs break down into glucose by enzyme to help us function and the liver stores excess glucose for future use which is normal and essential the large scale study co-authorized by researchers from harvard t.h chan school of public health tracked 15 000 americans and found that people eating a moderate amount of corpse had lower motility rates over a 25 year period than those who typically ate low carb meals having a deficiency in carbs can lead to fatigue depression slow metabolism and cardiovascular diseases so why do some people say they do see results from cutting out carbs from their diet any elimination diet does lead to eating less and it is true that a lot of times we tend to choose calorie dense carbs like pizza pasta ice cream and consume them in excess leading to weight gain people lose weight after cutting up carbs because they are consuming less calories that bring us to our third point it all depends on the amount and type of carbs that we eat too much of any food will make us gain weight certain foods have more nutrients than others such as the ones that are high in fiber full of vitamins and minerals choose to incorporate these in your diet which are definitely helpful to your health journey if you choose to binge on processed refined carbs like cookies and ice cream that are full of sugar without any of the nutrients not only do they lack health benefits they can also easily lead to weight gain but i'm not saying these are bad carbs and we should only eat good carbs i try my best to eat healthier hong kong meals during the week including crops like brown rice whole wheat tortilla noodles that are made with beans quinoa but i'm also a pasta lover so i let myself enjoy pasta pizza and other yummy cheap meals on the weekends unless you are an athlete bodybuilder or have specific health conditions i learned from my personal experience that suppressing yourself with extremely strict diets can easily lead to rebounds because you'll still have that cravings in you i did it myself and it led me to an eating disorder and it just takes the enjoyment out of eating and life in general at the end of the day it's all about a healthy balance hope this video is helpful to you and let me know if there's any other health and fitness topics that you want me to talk about next and i'll see you again very soon – DO CARBS MAKE YOU FAT? Can You Eat Carbs to Lose Weight? 減肥一定要戒澱粉?這樣吃不用怕胖?~ Emi

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