Weight Loss at Home Easy

5-day Fitness Challenge For Rapid Weight Loss

– Hey guys, in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you my top tips on how to stay motivated to work out, which is super important as 2020 is just around the corner. And I wanna help you guys be able to stick to your fitness and health routine. Now as a special announcement, I wanna let you guys know that I have a brand-new app that will be coming out for my program. It's gonna contain completely new and exclusive content to the app for the ULTRABURN workout series, and I am honestly so excited to share this all with you. So if you guys wanna get first access, make sure to sign up in the link in the description box below. Tip number one, this is by far the biggest bloody tip of all to get yourself motivated. And I've shared this with so many girls that I have trained. So tip number one is put your workouts in a calendar. That can be your phone calendar or a physical diary. Schedule in when you're gonna work out, before, after work, or during your lunch break. Pick a time and stick to it. Trust me, it's the only way to make sure that you'll actually do it, and start physically seeing it in your phone will make you wanna work out and mark it as complete. And the bonus with this tip is that after a couple of weeks, this routine will turn into a habit. Tip number two, set yourself small, realistic goals, and goals that are achievable, people. Sure, have long-term goals, but it's so, so important to set small, short goals that you can hit in, say, just a couple of weeks or even a month. Comment guilty below if you guys have ever set an unrealistic goal before and just lost complete and utter motivation when you have not reached that goal in, say, just a month. When you start hitting these smaller goals that you've set yourself, you will almost feel closer to hitting your bigger goal, and you'll also motivate yourself to continue going. Why? Because you're seeing small, progressive changes, and changes that are impacting you in a much bigger and positive way. Here are some examples that you can do. You can drink more water, cut out crisps, order just one takeaway a week, and only have, say, two alcoholic drinks a week. My tip number three is to have a variety of exercises. That means switching up your routines. The reason being is that when we stick to just one thing, we get very bored, and we get unmotivated very quickly. So if we have a variety in our exercises, we're gonna be more inclined to work out because it's gonna be something different, something challenging, and something a lot more fun to do. One of the best things about my 90 day program is that I do exactly just this. I love to switch up the workouts every other day to not only challenge your body, but to make things exciting for you so you don't know what's coming along. That way you guys are so more excited to jump on the app and do a workout. My tip number four is surrounding yourself with motivational quotes. I can not stress the importance of how much your environment impacts your results and your mindset. So some of the ways in which you can do this is, you can print out some motivational quotes and stick them around your house or your bedroom. You can set one as your screen saver and you can also set yourself up with alerts so you get a motivational quote, say, about two or three times a day. Once you start getting the motivational messages, you're gonna fill your mind with positivity, which is gonna lead to positive actions. And my last and final tip, guys, if you really feel like you need more motivivation and support then it's always best to join a fitness program. With a workout program, you have a set routine to follow already and you have motivation knowing that other people are doing the exact same thing with you. There's no need to figure out what workouts to do, or even create yourself your own routine, which can be very confusing and frustrating. In my 90 day program, you will find all of the workouts that you need to set you up for success, along with recipes and a community of women who are all supporting one another to reach their goals. Having that community will motivate you so much more because you'll be able to see what other people are doing and how quickly they are reaching their goals and following the same plan as you. Not only this, but I am there with you the entire time with my team to help answer any questions that you might have and offer the support that you need. You can check out exactly which of my programs will best suit you by clicking on the link in the description box below. So guys that is the end of the video and me sharing my top tips on how to stay motivated to workout. And don't forget, if you want to get first access to the app then make sure that you sign up in the link in the description box below, because we are launching on January the 2nd, which is not long at all, and I want you guys to have first access before absolutely anybody else. Now I want to turn it over to you guys. Which one of these tips did you find the most helpful? Let me know in the comments below.

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