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I Stopped Exercising For 3 Weeks (A Random Vlog From 2 Years Ago) ~ Emi

so this is the longest break I've had from working out since I started maybe seven years ago yeah because I had my feet [Music] so what happened to your foot bubble let the viewers know I touched my ankle like black like that which happens to a lot of people a lot of people that's not the worst thing a lot of my friends say that oh you should go Kita Chinese bone setting slash Chinese chiropractor they do the massage and sometimes they do the little bit of the clock and then they put medicine on it some Chinese medicine I was allergic to the medicine and my food becomes so red and swollen super itchy that was the first night where you couldn't sleep what was really interesting yeah and that's when it transitioned from not only just an allergic reaction but to a skin infection he's kept saying like oh dragon food let's grow the mushrooms I kept wishing her that she's still the most beautiful girl in the whole world and he's like oh even though now you have a dragon food I won't leave you like of course who would leave someone just because their food got infected what the heck it's a joke but anyways I got worse and worse and we went to a dermatologist and I said it's very serious the point of this video is I wasn't planning on filming it but I thought this is actually my longest break from working out so it's been two weeks already the doctors say probably another week of just sitting and having my food lifted so it will probably be a month so far after two weeks I think the effect on my body was not as much as you know on the mind like mentally because I want to cheer myself up so I kept ordering like you know not so healthy food like normally during the week I eat quite healthy but then for the past two weeks I was like ordering hot dogs I have been enjoying myself it's great and I was eating like a lot of popcorn you know you need to pee pee when you look angry so today begins my third week of not exercising so now I'm sitting with my leg lifted and first thing in the morning for these few weeks is my medicine and her allergy and antibiotics it's all from the storm and huge rain actually the black rain signal is on right now so Chad is at work and normally these few weeks because my leg I couldn't walk Udo in the morning so Chad has been coming back during his lunch time every day before I take the pills I'm gonna show you guys my breakfast dragon fruit and orange already ate some of them before I realized I should walk today [Music] okay Papa is coming back soon hey Mama hey Papa coming to the rescue [Music] I don't feel free my lunch for the day baked chicken thigh and there's coconut chicken with some vegetables so in terms of food in a Chinese medical world when you're sick there's different types of food that you shouldn't eat especially for sprained ankle or when you're allergic then I shouldn't eat like beef Seafood spicy or sour food it's very hey Cho also these few weeks I've been trying to eat mainly just chicken and pork I'm going back from what keys did big poo poo and pee pee and now Chad needs to go back to work and I'll wipe his feet I need to Foxy foreign so my ankle hurts again I was so excited to add some of my food is so good I was trying to book Friday yoga and I have to catch the other day when you're going out this one always too early when I when I myself feel better and then I feel worshiped but it does look much better yeah it's so good it also it just looks like you have a weird tan but no more mushrooms on the days it looks bad I had to go out to see doctor and people on the street were staying in my food I was so sad a woman was like until she got onto the bus she still turned around tell her the [ __ ] off whoever you just support Auntie there's no poor like you taught me today staring is rude she couldn't help herself what if that's your mom my mom wouldn't she knows she's been well educated staring is rude foreign [Laughter] [Music] this morning for breakfast I'm having spinach apple banana oat milk smoothie today's for lunch we're trying a new recipe this is called Buddha's Bowl um so basically any veggies you like some cups some raw together with meatballs so you can make it with like mince pork mince beef but right now because of my food I cannot eat beef so this is mince pork with minced chicken dondon's new bed just arrived it's so luxurious even I want to sleep on it and you can see he loves it a lot as well not willing to get up I mean yeah sleep so well on it um third day of this week so for breakfast has some fruits and smoothie and for lunch I'm craving for some carbs so this is organic brown rice pasta some meatball yesterday is cooked with olive oil and a bit of garlic this is broccoli with beans and some pork meatballs and more vegetables and pork burger looks like a lot because it's for my lunch today dinner tonight and also lunch tomorrow we also have an avocado salad foreign detox this morning because last night we had a huge meal yesterday was a public holiday I didn't Vlog much because I was just at home like working the usual but at night our fans came over so we had so much yummy food Seafood whack your beef Sukiyaki and also cheesecake so this morning I need a Fitness movie detox and I'm also going to eat healthier for lunch however tonight is Friday night and then it's the weekend so more treatment is coming my food is actually much better I no longer need to lift it up on my table at all times and I can walk around no problem it's just a bottom that's really itchy so I still can't sleep too well at night so I'm hoping that I'll be starting to do some um abs workout maybe tonight today's evening and I see how I feel and then this Sunday I'm super excited because I'm planning to film an arm workout for you guys yesterday I tried some of the moves it feels okay glitter a tiny bit of pain in my ankle it's not that bad so hopefully these few days with more rest I can finally leave them a workout video last healthy lunch before a whole weekend of sheet meal there's a chicken some mushroom and cauliflower hey hey today I went to check with my doctor and he said my food is so much better he's quite surprised as well he thought it would take a few months to recover but he said because of my age my skin metabolism is so quite fast so luckily most of the infections gone so now it's just a bit of allergy at the bottom of my food and so he gave me some stronger steroids with a bit of antibiotic in it as well but he said since the top of my food is all good now I can wear shoes and go out as long as I make sure the bottom of my food doesn't touch dirty surfaces for example the beach although I do have a beach day tomorrow with some of udon's friends and so I plan to wear boots anyways the good news is I can start working out very soon I think these few days I can already start with some upper body abs and arm workout and then once the allergy at the bottom of my food is also gone then I get back doing all the hrit and I'm so e – I Stopped Exercising for 3 Weeks (a random vlog from 2 years ago) ~ Emi

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