Weight Loss at Home Easy

Melt Your Back Fat In 2 Weeks | Tone Arms Tiny Waist & Better Posture | No Standing & No Equipment

this workout will transform your upper body burn your back fat improve your posture give you a small waist and it can slam down your arms hi guys welcome back so in the previous workout we talk about if you want to get hourglass shape you will need to train your core and your back so that this big muscles on your body will pull it together then you will have a small waist so we've done our core our upper body our lower body this time it's time for our back this work will transform your upper body burn your back fat improve your posture give you a small waist and it can slam down your arms so many benefits okay without further Ado let's get on to the video okay so for the first one it's very easy extend your hands up then pull your elbows towards the back squeeze your shoulder blades [Music] I called it still called it [Music] a every time you pull your hands down squeeze your back muscles feel the muscles Contracting and don't squeeze up your shoulders keep your shoulders [Music] down am so in love and you know I'm the okay we've done both arms this time let's do one arms at a time imagine you're holding a resistant B in both of your hands then pull one of your arms down and squeeze your back 50 seconds are you ready let's do it and true up for you and for me remember don't squeeze up your shoulders and every time you pull your arms down squeeze your backa sauce I am so in love and you know I'm the one so and [Music] okay now extend your arms forward slightly round your back then push your elbows towards the back squeeze your shoulder blades 50 seconds are you guys ready let's do [Music] it I am so alone soone and you oh no I'm the come on guys make your movement Wilder and bigger every time you extend your arms in front try to reach as far as possible stretch your back then every time you push your elbows backward engage that back muscles I know I'm your baby so come give me love you know you're M baby so come give me love I never fail love why like this I get a every time we kiss get enough baby okay so for the next one again imagine you're holding a resistance band in your hand then pull one of your arms backward squeeze your back we repeat for 50 seconds are you guys ready we're in this together love me till the morning love me all night long there's something special about you you're the one that I want so come on give me love I'mma show you how to move how to move with my body or you can imagine you're shooting a bow and arrow keep your arms in a straight line don't squeeze up your shoulders keep squeezing your back massu me all now baby so come give me love you know you're my baby baby so come give me love I never fa nothing Qui like this I get a high okay now come down to the ground let's do some backlifting hands SP your ears inhale lift up your upper body exhale come down 50 seconds we're in this together come on guyss you know just what I want won you love me like the last time like a was right now show me what it's about me to the morning let me in the even know what I want try to engage your abdominal musos squeeze your abs this can help you to lift up your upper body a little bit more [Music] higher I never fa nothing Qui like this I get a high every time we kiss can't get come on guys hang in there Lift Up Lift Up you love me to the morning let me in the evening you know what I want don't you hold me like I'm Yours show me that I'm yours yes now we remain the same position we're also doing the back lifting but this time lift to the left side of your body so inhale open your left side of your body exhale return to Center goes up and it goes down I know my me that I figured why we fool around so little and we keep track of Ser take it slow you don't have to be fast remember as long as you're doing it keep lifting not giving up I am so proud of you and you're doing amazing here friends and nearby don't need another VI time is not on my mind but then it's you oh I love it when the love comes around and then I Remember All Things Must Pass but I'm not going to wake up wake up I'm not ready let me have another day don't wake yes you know the drill we have to balance on the other side now get into position are you ready this time lift to the right side of your body 50 seconds we're in this together afraid I'll end up nowhere they keep saying I'll be fine but how you know that I'll be there when it feels like I'm lying every time someone ask it come on guys keep lifting make sure you are really turning to the right side of your body and lift up every movement every lift and every sweat counts so come on guys don't give up we're in this together hang in there up wake up I'm not ready let me have another day don't wake up wake up keep it steady cuz I'm happy I'm not going to wake no no not yet [Music] wo okay remain the same position Hands by your ears lift up arms towards the back come back to your ears CM down I'm sure you can handle this come on guys we're in this together goes on let's have a good time night of the century our best days can't be done all the good times turn into [Music] memories lift up hands towards the back come back down lift up hands towards the back come back down oh yeah M best can be done okay time for the next one Hands by your ears stand lift up use your left hand to draw a small rainbows to the back then come back down we'll repeat for 50 [Music] seconds no no looking back I was once so brave never hesitated I ain't or you can think it as tapping your left hip but the most important thing is keep lifting lift as hot as you can we're almost done you guys are amazing [ __ ] in my mind I'm not great not the rich but will you stay here by my side yes I think you know what's coming next we have to balance on the other [Music] side okay now get into position are you ready this time taing your right hip get it done yeah no I know it's hard I know it's burning but that is working I know you can do it if I can do it you can do it hang in there [Music] yes I promise this one is very easy now just push yourself into child pose reach your hands as far as you can stretch your back you can place your forehead or your chin onto the ground we're going to hold here for 50 seconds [Music] I know your back is probably hurting so that's why we need this child pose just reach your hands as far as you can elongate your back feel the stretch in your back muscles [Music] [Music] okay we're done lying down today come sitting on your mat now Hands by your ears and every time you push your hands towards the back remember squeeze your shoulder blades [Music] [Music] remember don't squeeze up your shoulders press your shoulders down and every time you move your arms towards the back squeeze your shoulder blades imagine there's a golf ball in between keep the ball in your shoulder blades don't drop it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now so for the next one place your hands on your lower back then again open close open close remember every time your arms towards

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