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Omg! Why I Gained 10kg After Working Out ?! (Eng Sub)

I'm determined this time I must slim down Set the alarm at 5:00 to get up and exercise It lasted for a week ‘Gosh, why did I insist on waking up early every day to exercise But I'm still getting fatter?' For those who are facing the same problem, comment ‘1' Hi, I'm April First of all, we need to identify whether you Are getting fatter? Number 1: Do you weigh the right way? Weighing needs to be fasting weight in the morning after waking up And going to the toilet Don't use your morning fasting weight as the initial weight before exercise While after exercise using the weight after a heavy meal as a comparison weight Let me tell you as a person who has come over It is not difficult to have a five or six pounds difference between the two data But it is actually the weight of the food and water you take And not the weight of the fat you gain Number two: The illusion of gaining weight at the early stage of exercise If you usually do not exercise Weight gain may occur after sudden exercise This is not fat gain either Rather, it is due to an increase in glycogen in your body And also water retention It is because after our body being stimulated by sudden exercise And with a proper diet Our body will rapidly stores More glycogen than before exercise It will usually be twice as much as before For example, a 60kg person Before he starts to exercise Normally he will stored about 500g of glycogen But after sudden exercise The glycogen storage will most likely become 1kg Also the body will follow The ratio of glycogen to water at 1:3 To perform water storage This means that You will gain 2kg of weight Actually it's all glycogen and the accompanying water Not fat Plus If you're overworked Or didn't eat well For example, eating salty food will cause edema The weight will get bigger So when you start to exercise It's normal for short-term weight gain No need to worry too much Usually in 4 weeks It will get balanced eventually Then comes the post-exercise Muscle gain is more than fat loss Although exercise can burn fat But it will also leads to muscle growth The density of muscles is much higher than fat So when the amount of muscle growth Is more than fat burned You'll gain weight instead But there is nothing to worry about in this case It is because although the weight Which is the number on the scale That can only be seen by you has increased What others noticed was Your body shape has become better So there's no need to Get too hung up on the number of your weight If none of the previous points apply to you It means that you have gained weight And fat Then we have to consider the following aspects Number 1: To burn more fat Are you exercise on an empty stomach every morning? Many people like to exercise in the morning on an empty stomach It is because they think that after a night of metabolism The blood sugar is lower in the morning When you exercise at this time The body can better supply energy by burning fat But in fact, when the blood sugar level is low First of all the stress hormone cortisol Will secrete sharply and massively In an effort to increase the blood glucose levels Cortisol is one of the reasons why we gain weight It will interfere with the burning of fat Especially will cause Accumulation of visceral fat Causing your tummy become bigger And also lead to difficulties in gaining muscles Coupled with the fact that the secretion rhythm of cortisol itself Is lowest at around 12:00am And will reach a peak from 6:00am to 8:00am So if we want to exercise in the morning And to achieve a good slimming results Be sure to avoid behaviors that Further stimulate sebumol secretion Next, morning exercise on an empty stomach Will also reduce your performance Due to low blood sugar and dysfunction Making the fat burning result to greatly reduce Third, fasting exercise also allows the body To breakdown the muscles and protein for energy Causing muscle loss and difficulty in gaining muscle Immune deficiency and so on Lastly exercise when blood sugar is too low Will easily cause nausea and headache Even fainting Is very unsafe Especially for those who has poor bowel function Such as easy hypoglycemia Who aged over 60 years old People with diabetes and heart disease These 5 types of people are not suitable to exercise on an empty stomach It is recommended that before exercise in the morning Get a little bit of Good carbohydrate that raises blood sugar For example, a cup of oatmeal Using hot milk or boiling water to brew in 2 minutes Easy, quick, and also providing essential nutrition Oatmeal is low in glycemic index and calories Do not have to worry about gaining weight It's very healthy Of course, note that Do not eat too much and too full Because exercise after a full meal Will increases the vibration of the stomach Increase the burden on the digestive tract Also exercise will distracts the blood supply to the gut Which affecting digestion You may wait for half an hour to two hours after exercise to consume more high-quality protein carbohydrate, fat and so on Such as eggs, yogurt, banana and others Those are good choices It can replenish the energy and nutrition consumed by exercise In order to avoid muscle breakdown and loss Secondly, it can provide a sense of satiety Third, the body metabolism after exercise is still in a active state The calories eaten will not easily hoarded as fat Number 2: Are you exercising for long hours and too intense to lose weight faster? Also known as over-exercising Exercise of medium intensity or above In other words, exercise that is beyond the comfort range of Your body can bear And causing stress to your body Will cause an increase in sebumol levels No matter if it is aerobic or anaerobic resistance exercise They all do Increasing in sebumol causes the body tend to Protect fat, breakdown muscle, increase appetite Gaining fat especially in the waist and stomach Chronic high cortisol Can also inhibit the production of growth hormones and sex hormones Causing such problems as menstrual disorders in female While moderate exercise will not only reduce the stimulation of cortisol It also causes our body to produce less hunger hormone While increasing the production of Satiety hormones in our body Allowing us to better control our appetite To handle a good relationship with food According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization For most people Fast walking for about 30 minutes a day Or jogging, swimming Or easy aerobics With not less than 5 times a week Is a very appropriate exercise intensity Number 3: Indulgent diet after exercise + reduced daily activities It is easy for people to have this mentality after exercise ‘I have exercised to burn so much calories Eating more now is not a problem' But we need to know that Jogging for an hour Only burn about 400 calories While 100g of chocolate contains 500 calories Especially if you are doing high-intensity exercise Early in the morning That puts a heavy burden on your body Under the regulat

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