Weight Loss at Home Easy

Slim Legs In 20 Days! 10 Min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi

Hi everyone, I'm Emi Hi everyone, I'm Ballball. Ballball smells great today, doesn't it? Ballball smells like coconut. I asked everyone on Instagram what is your favorite fitness goal to achieve? What kind of fitness video can I help with? Everyone has achieved their goals. I have received a lot of different responses from everyone, so in the next few months I will make some fitness videos to help everyone train these target parts one by one. Today we will do a ten-minute leg slimming exercise like Kendall Jenner. For the legs this is all a no jumping workout so great for those of you who live in an apartment and want a quiet workout that won't disturb your family and neighbors these workouts are very effective and also great for beginners so everyone can try you You can try one round at the beginning. When you get more comfortable, you can try two rounds and then challenge yourself with the last three rounds. If you're ready, let's get started! The first training is to do lateral rotation and leg raise. Lie on your right side with your left leg, bend your right leg and put it on the ground. Straighten your left leg and swing it up and down. Use your thigh muscles. After 15 seconds, start to change the direction of the circle. 3, 2, 1 Turn around and do small circles with your left leg. You should feel your left leg burning. Enjoy it. Keep doing it because that's why you're here. The second move is the ballet kick. Let's do it with the right leg. Stay on your side. The right side of the kick is very similar to the outside kick just now, but this time, straighten your right leg and swing it up and down on the ground. The swing range of your left leg is larger than the small outside intermittent kick just now. Try to kick as high as you can and keep it off the ground the whole time. Work hard on your left leg! The third movement is the bottom kick. Stay lying on your side and support your body with your right elbow. Straighten your right leg on the ground, then bend your left leg around it and place it in front. Use your right inner thigh to lift your right leg and swing it up and down. The burning is real. Remember that there is no gain without effort. The fourth movement to slim down your legs is the outer thigh swing kick and circular motion. This time, do the right leg lying on the left side and repeat the same range of the first movement. Remember to change the circle direction after fifteen seconds. 3. 2. 1. Change the direction of the circle and try your best to involve the right leg in every swing so that we can burn to the target area on the right. The fifth movement is the right ballet kick. Remember that the swing range here is much larger than the outside kick. Pay attention to training your right Go sideways and lift your right leg up and down to give the whole leg a great burn. Keep it up. We're a third of the way through this whole workout. The sixth move is the bottom kick. This time we're going to do the left leg and move you up and down. of your left leg. Feel your inner left thigh burning. Use this time to remind yourself of your goal and how this exercise can help you achieve it. Don’t relax. Don’t stop. Number seven is the Glute Bridge Hold. One of my favorite exercises looks like this. Simple but you will feel the burning. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift your hips. Stay there. Just squeeze your butt tightly. Lift it as high as possible. Make a straight line from your knees, hips and shoulders. Enjoy the burn in your butt, thighs, hamstrings and calves. We're not going to put it down before thirty seconds. Number eight is the donkey kick. Start with your right leg. Get ready to kneel. Straighten your right leg back. Lift your hips, tighten your hips, and kick your right leg up and down. Keep your right leg straight and off the ground. Make sure you push your legs with each swing kick, not swing your lower back. We're more than halfway through the ninth step. It's the same donkey kick. This time do the left leg. Go a little harder with each breath. The effort is your choice. Every drop of your sweat helps you get closer to your goal. Work hard for yourself! The tenth step is the front lunge squat. Place your hands in front of you and squat deeply, but sit your butt back until your thighs are parallel to the ground. When you get up, step one foot in front of you and reach the lunge position with both legs bent at ninety degrees. Then sink back into a deep squat and then do a lunge on the other side. Remember to keep your chest up during the entire exercise. The burning is getting more and more intense. This is how we train! Two-thirds of the training is completed. The eleventh step is side kicks. It is a very interesting action to slim down the thighs and legs. Place your fists in front of your chest and swing kicks to both sides as hard as you can for thirty seconds. Focus on each kick. This is also a great way to relieve stress and chase away bad moods during the leg burn. Kick as hard as you can. Twelve is the ultimate fat burner. Inner and outer squats with your feet together and hips. Sit back and go to your inner squats. Then get up. Step one foot to the side to your outside. Squat in and out alternately. Let's not stop. Make sure we're doing the full range of motion. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the ground every time you squat. Don't relax. If you want results, you have to put in the effort. Keep up the good work. We are almost done. There are only three left. Thirteen is reverse lunge squat and raise the knees. First do the right leg with hands in front, take a big step back, go to reverse lunge, swing up and down twice, and then lift. Lift the back leg forward, raise the knee to touch your palm, repeat for fifteen seconds, and then do 2 and 1 at the same time. At the beginning, we are training the legs and at the same time training the core and abdominal muscles to maintain balance. Use all your strength. We are not giving up. By! What makes it worth your time to do is the sumo squat swing. It's a killer that burns our thighs from all angles. Spread your feet wide open and chest out. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground and then get up without standing up straight. Up and down a little bit, I know it's burning, your thighs are melting, that's what we want, keep it burning, help us slim down our thighs, slim down our legs, and help me hold on for a few more breaths. Everybody's great. We're down to the last move. Follow. I hold it together until the end of the sumo squat. It's the same sumo squat as the previous move but this time we don't swing and just stay here. I know this burn is crazy but look at me. I'm dying here too but I won't. Give up and stay strong with me and let's do this workout together we can do it! We are stronger than we think. Just hold on for a little while longer. You can do it! hold onto! We're done! I believe that most of us have fallen to the ground now. That's when you know we have completed a great training. Believe me, there is no gain without effort. One day you will thank yourself for your hard work today. We are moving towards our goal again. I'm super proud of you all. Remember to tag me on Instagram or send me a message Emiwong with the hashtag #femily. Share your progress and results. Take a break or stretch. Welcome back tomorrow or after. I'm here for you. Know you. See you on reaching your goals! – SLIM LEGS IN 20 DAYS! 10 min No Jumping Quiet Home Workout ~ Emi

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