Weight Loss at Home Easy

Tone Your Arms Workout – No Equipment (Quick + Intense)

hi guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel this week we are doing a toning arm routine I get so many people asking me what I do to tone my arms with no weight so this is the exact routine that I do also don't forget to check out the link below because I'm giving you guys a free detox recipe of mine now I love to use this every single time I feel bloated or I have any information also don't forget to hit the like subscribe button for my channel because I upload weekly workouts [Laughter] [Music] what we're going to do is we're going to have our arms out to the side now do not drop your arms during this entire workout I need you to keep them up because it's going to burn so to begin with we're literally going to be having the hand imagine that you've got a ball so it's over and under so we're going to be doing 80 piece in total let's begin one two three four seven eight repeat one two [Music] seven eight now what you're gonna do is you're gonna move forward and under so that's two three four five foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] five [Music] foreign and under [Music] and eight now what you're going to do is push back one two three four five six seven eight repeat one two [Music] push forward one seven eight repeat now we're going to do small circles one two three four reverse the circle [Music] now repeat forward one two three four five six seven eight back foreign s forward up over down forward bend up and down so that's two three four five six eight reverse two three four [Music] five six seven and eight okay now what we're gonna do is you're going to Flat to the side so it's slap two three four five six seven eight stuck behind one two three four five six seven eight slap forward one two three [Music] now we're gonna repeat that again to slap to the side three six seven eight step behind forward [Applause] now what you're going to do is bring your hands together and back that's two three four five six seven [Music] eight now four two three four five six seven eight repeat one two three four five six seven eight back to the hand claps two three four five six seven eight full movement one two three [Music] don't try and make y'all comfortable hey repeat one two three four five six seven eight big circles two three four five six seven eight reverse one two three four five six seven eight repeat one two three four five six seven eight I'm back [Music] seven all right now just to burn out we're just gonna do a little pump to the top seven eight repeat keep going foreign [Music] so that is the end of your arm workout here today guys I hope you really did enjoy this one if you'd like to add any resistant to this you are more than welcome to just grab some light free weights or even use some ankle weights for this don't forget to check out that link below for my free detox recipe I think you guys are going to absolutely love this one and it's so easy and simple to make also don't forget to hit the like subscribe button for my channel because it really does help have a lovely morning afternoon evening whatever time it is for you and I will see you guys very soon for another workout video

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