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What I eat in a day (Healthy cafe food at home )

hey guys welcome back to what i eat in the day series i actually really enjoy making these types of videos because i just love cooking so today i also want to share with you three really healthy delicious and quick recipes let's go [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] mhm [Music] so i always order this dish when i go to the cafe and i was thinking why not do it myself all right let's give it a bite sorry if i have really messy hair i just woke up and i'm at home i don't need to dress up oh my god guys i'm not bragging about my skills but [Music] so for lunch i am making a salad i was going to try the jennifer aniston salad that i found online they said it's very delicious super healthy and it just go viral on the internet like on take talk on instagram but the thing is i didn't get time to go to a little grocery shopping and so i don't have all the exact ingredients i would call it jennifer edison inspired salad yeah let's call that [Music] to keep things easier i just bought the baby spanish from the supermarket [Music] here [Music] so apparently this salad has nothing to do with jennifer edison but i would call it hailey salad [Music] in my heart [Music] i just got back home and i am editing my videos on this ipad ever since i got this ipad it just makes editing so much easier like it is so convenient you can bring it anywhere you want and also with this apple pencil you can do like literally everything with it so for example when we are editing our videos we have to be we need to be very precise with every seconds and every minutes in our videos so it's just very handy very useful and very convenient this is not a sponsored video yet so anyway it is seven o'clock right now and i am starving so for today's dinner i will be making some spaghetti and some salmon [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you

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