Weight Loss at Home Easy

15 Min Low Impact Full Body Workout | Morning Routine

Hey everyone! So today we've got a 15 minute low impact full-body workout, that's still gonna get you sweating. Smash that thumbs up button, leave me a comment down below, and let's get into it. We got 19 exercises in this low impact, no jumping workout today. 40 seconds on and 5 to 15 seconds of rest in-between. Stand upright and we'll start the workout with squat reach. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, now brace your core and squat down. Make sure you keep your glutes engaged and keep your back straight. 10 seconds rest now. Lunge kick is next. Bring one leg behind and lunge down. Drive through the heel of your front foot and get back up, then kick your leg forward and repeat. Short rest and work on the other leg. Make sure your front knee doesn't pass your toes. Great work guys! Rest up, overhead reach crunch is next. Reach over to the other side and bring your knee towards your chest and swap over to the other side and repeat. No rest here, we're going straight into squat crunches. With your feet about shoulder-width apart, squat down. Make sure you brace your core and as you get up, bring your knee towards the opposite elbow and then repeat on the other side. 10 seconds rest now and single leg deadlift is next. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Brace your core and push your hips back as you lift one leg up. Keep your back straight the entire time. Push through your front foot to get back up and repeat. A quick short rest now and we'll work on the other leg. Brace your core and keep your back straight. Great work everyone! A longer 15 seconds rest now. The next few exercises are on your mat, so catch your breath, and we'll get into a low plank position. Plank rainbow is next. Brace your core and lift your leg up and over and then on the other side. 10 seconds rest now. Swap around and sit on your mat and get ready for flutters. Lay down and lift your shoulders off the mat, and place your back flat on the mat. Now, flutter your legs. Make sure your back is flat on the mat the entire time. You don't want to hurt your lower back. You are doing great, guys! Rest up and bicycle crunches are next. Touch your elbow with the opposite knee. Keep your core tight and keep pushing through. Nicely done, guys! We are past the halfway mark now. Flip around and we're working your upper body next, with push-up variation. Get on your knees and do a push-up, then push your hips back, stretching your back. Then back into a push-up and repeat. Short rest and we've got plank toe touches. Start in a high plank position. Now touch the opposite toe with your hand and repeat on the other side. Rest up everyone! Not long to go. 10 seconds rest and plank taps is next. Bring your leg to the side and tap and bring it back in and repeat on the other side. Good job everyone! 10 seconds rest again. Stand upright and lateral lunge leg raises are next. Bring one leg to the side and push your hips back as you lunge down. Then get back up and raise your leg up laterally, then repeat. No rest here, we're swapping over to the other leg. Rest those legs of yours and lateral walk is next. Just three more exercises to go after this. Get into a quarter squat position. Then walk to one side, then to the other side. Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Short rest now and low impact jacks is next. Bring both of your arms out and one leg out to the side, then repeat on the other side. 10 seconds rest now. Catch your breath and we're almost done. Sumo to regular squat is next. Get into a normal squat, and now take one step out with your right leg, then squat again and back up. Then bring your leg back in and repeat. Short rest now and we'll finish off the workout with butt kicks. Keep your back straight, and kick your legs up and we're almost done. And that's the workout guys! Great job on completing the workout. Hope you feel amazing! Smash that like button for me, leave me a comment down below, and I'll see you in the next workout. Bye!

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