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15min Side Abs & Love Handles Workout | Lose Muffin Top Fat Hourglass Shape

let's have some girls talk so I used to do this every single day because I want to have that curve on my waist I want to have like a beautiful hourglass shape like an ass shape but I realized that the more I do this the thicker it became like it literally grow out and it became a straight line in here like straight down I was like a pan this is not ideal trust me I've been there done that I know what is effective and what is not yes that pose is indeed a very good pose to train your abdominal muscles you would definitely have a six-pack if you do that but it is not very good if you want to have some curves so this is how I normally train my abs without further Ado let's get on to the video okay now stand on your knees and just easily use your hand to tap your knees on the side try not to move your hips and also stay still when you lift one of your arms in the sky when the moon is [Music] come on make sure you squeeze those abs muscles while you're doing this [Music] [Music] ain't what you want for me yes now let's rest for few seconds [Music] okay now the next one is the same just hands bite your ears you ready 50 seconds let's go [Music] remember to engage your abdominal muscles and try not to move your hips [Music] when the sky is deep blue [Music] okay for the next one I'm just switching side so that you can see at the back you guys can stay still again Hands by the ears and just easily tap your heels at the back your body will slightly lean backward when you reach to the back so try to engage your thighs and also your core muscles so that it can give you more stability [Music] [Music] okay let's rest for a few seconds the next one is also very similar just slightly lend your body backward and twist your body to left and right every time your twist is on exhale every time you come back to Center is on inhale come on give your breath steady we are almost done [Music] yes now rest for a few seconds okay now step your right leg out to the side Hands by your ears and we're going to do some more side crunch are you ready 50 seconds let's go foreign muscle at all time and also not to move your hips and your legs [Music] come on Bend and lower it is even better if you can use your elbow to touch your thighs thank you yes you guys are amazing now let's rest for a few seconds again lift both of your arms up and also tap on your knees foreign it is even better if you can tap your shin but it is also okay if you can reach just tap on your knee [Music] yes I catch your breath for a few seconds we're going to do the whole thing on the other side yeah okay here's about the ears are you ready 50 seconds let's go come on squeeze your abdominal muscle and bend lower we are halfway done to work out you guys are amazing tomorrow yes you guys did it now let's rest for a few seconds you guys remember this one tap on your knee remember engage your karma so not to move your hips keep your arms up we are almost done yes now rest for a few seconds okay the next one arms up then bend your body from side to side 50 seconds let's go [Music] contract your abdominal muscle at all time not to move your lower body not to move your hips and try to bend as loud as you can [Music] come on a few more seconds left we are almost finished [Music] oh yes now we're going to train our main core muscles [Music] now come to tabletop then lift yourself up into a bare pose and then slightly move your hips up and down the most important thing here is to keep the shoulders and your waist in a straight line so if you notice it is not in a straight line move your body a little bit forward [Music] squeeze those abdominal muscles and keep your upper body still only move your hips [Music] come on come on hang in there we're almost done thank you yes you guys are amazing now rest for a few seconds [Music] okay now again back to Bear pose but this time walk your feet from left to right and right to the left [Music] remember shoulders down to your wrist and also engage your core muscles [Music] thank you [Music] come on few more stick out keep your breath steady we are almost done [Music] foreign yes you did it now take a few deep breaths we only have three more exercise left come on guys we can do it now come to plank pose we're going to hold there for 50 seconds [Music] come on engage your core muscle try to lower your hips a little bit so that you are in a straight line I know it feels like forever but I can assure you this is the perfect pose to train your abs you activate a whole abdominal muscles so come on guys we are almost done you are not giving up [Music] and now rest we only have two more slaves so just let go okay now back to playing pose and move your hips side to side [Music] come on make sure those hips are touching the floor this is a very good pose to train your SCI abs [Music] or guys come on hang in there if I can do it you can do it we are not giving up I love you like I like I do we're almost done almost done we only have the last exercise left I have to say you guys are amazing I am super proud of you guys okay the next one is more like a stretch we move from down dog to Upward facing dog every time when you push back to downward facing dog try to engage your abdominal muscles so that it can train your whole core and every time when you lift your head up in upward facing dog lift as hard as you can [Music] take it slow do it step by step you don't have to be fast [Music] and yeah so we've finished the whole workout I am so proud of you I can't believe you guys stick to the end [Music] I haven't done this workout for so long I almost forgot it burns it actually Burns well thank you guys so much for watching and if you guys like this video please give me a thumbs up and just leave in a comment below tell me what kind of videos that you like to watch and how do you feel about this workout well anywho thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye foreign

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