Weight Loss at Home Easy

2 in1 Slim Back + Upper Arms (Burn Fat) | No more BRA BULGE | 100% Result

hi guys welcome back so some of you asked me I always do waist workout I always do abs workout but it just doesn't seems effective have you trained your back so it's actually pretty easy to understand once you tighten up your back muscle it will sort of pull your waist backward and then you would definitely look slimmer and once your back muscle is strong enough it also affects your round shoulders it's been a while since we trained our back so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay let's do some warm-ups together draw a big circles with your right arm are you ready 30 seconds make sure the circles is big enough so that you can feel the muscles in your back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now let's do on the other side [Music] okay 30 seconds let's go try to squeeze your back muscle every time you draw the circles and keep your shoulders down [Applause] [Music] okay now come down to the ground we're going to do the second warm-up interlacing your hand extend it to the back and simply just move up and down squeeze your whole arms muscle while you're doing this this is a very good pose to open up your shoulders and also burn Arms Fat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so the first one tears your body slightly forward then opens your arms out to the side 50 seconds let's go every time you open your arms squeeze your back muscles foreign [Music] you don't have to be fast it is more important that you do the posture correctly so squeeze your back muscle at the top [Music] okay rest for 10 seconds okay I'm just showing you the next one first come up to plank post then squeeze your back up and down try to keep your arms straight and only move your shoulders to keep your back engaged every time you push up to the top squeeze at the top [Music] come on hang in there we are almost finished [Music] yes now 10 seconds [Music] okay now come down to the ground extend your arms out to the front then tap your hips one by one [Music] come on hang in there you can do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes now 10 seconds [Music] okay so for the next one hands next to your body Palms up then inhale lift up your upper body and your arms exhale come down are you ready 50 seconds let's go [Music] thank you foreign you come up squeeze your back muscle and try to lift up more higher you can do it come on [Music] [Music] now rest [Music] okay so for the next one remain the same position lift up your upper body but this time only move your hands up and down come on lift up your upper body a little bit higher and keep your back muscles engaged hang in there we're almost finished oh foreign [Music] yes now rest for 10 seconds [Music] okay so for the next one extend your arms lift up then squeeze your back extend your arms then come down we've done this before come on 50 seconds let's do it I feel your heartbeat [Music] I know it's tiring but we are not quitting we almost finished the whole workout we are not giving up in here so come on lift up a little bit higher and squeeze your back muscles can't [Music] stand up yes you guys are amazing [Music] okay so for the next one it's very easy extend your arms to the back then lift up it's very similar to our second warm-up but this time we're doing it lying down [Music] laughs [Music] come on inhale lift up and squeeze your back imagine something pouring you from the back exhale slowly come down come on we're almost finished [Music] [Music] yes we only have last two exercises left [Music] okay so for the next one inhale and simply lift up and clap your hands at the back [Music] [Music] foreign come on lift higher and make sure you do clap your hands we are almost finished we are not giving up come on [Music] yes we only have our last exercise left okay come up to a plank pose again then lift up your arms one by one imagine you're holding a dumbbell or something heavy then lift up [Music] this is also a very good pose to train your abs as well so come on hang in there we only have our cooldown left yes you guys are amazing now let's just go down in child pose for 30 seconds [Music] thank you [Music] okay now inhale and slowly come up we're going to do some more deep stretch of our back [Music] we've done this before inhale lift up your left arm stand exhale go under to the right we do it for five times and the last time we stay there for four breathings inhale exhale inhale exhale last time inhale exhale stay there for four deep breathing thank you foreign to stretch more of your back lift up your right arm up in the sky now inhale slowly come up we're going to do on the other side inhale exhale inhale and exhale [Music] last time inhale and exhale now we hold there for four breathing [Music] now if you once lift up your left arm up in the sky [Music] inhale slowly come up and we are finished well thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you guys enjoyed this video please don't neglect your back muscles we always train our arms our ABS our thighs our calves but do you know that your back muscle is very important because it is a core support of your body and it can protect your spine so do this workout once a day and you'll see the difference I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys in the next one bye thank you [Music]

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