Weight Loss at Home Easy

The Ultimate 7-day Walking Plan For Women

hey guys I'm Rebecca Louise and today on X here we have got nine moves so guaranteed to get you that flat stomach so if you're ready to work out I've got two very special piles as well with me so let's get going well I've got my two trusted friend trainers with me today we've got Harvey over here he's there he's gonna be watching me today just critiquing our feet is just coming a little bit of a snooze so we're gonna get going so they're just gonna help us out as well today so we're gonna stop come down to the ground we're gonna bring our legs up to the ceiling arms out legs are gonna drop down and then bring those knees into the chest so you can really feel this in those lower abs whoa you'll be feeling good today this is an awesome ab workout really are gonna be on our way to get in that flat stomach that we all want whoo your arms out to the sides just gonna help give you a little bit of support don't grip down just have them gently there Harvey what's mommy doing interesting isn't it okay are you ready I'm gonna go on to the next exercise in three two one stay up here alexis is gonna come down to each side just gently drop it down we don't want to touch the ground whoo fellows abs feeling everyone we're gonna be on our way to getting that six-pack he's had breakfast they both have breakfast Alfie's always Twitter Harmons food oh how are you doing RV okay it's give me five more seconds of these keep it going leg dropping down and coming up again into that starfish so legs apart arms apart and touching the opposite foot please opposite hand and breathe in now we always make sure that when we are doing exercising we are inhaling and exhaling is often we find that if we're not when we stand up we get a bit dizzy and that's why Oh oh my goodness that was a close come on keep it going just a few more five four three two one let's flip over onto our summit hobbies have enough already so bring it into mountain climbers nice and controlled bring that knee into the chest keep that tummy pulled in okay should we start to feel your abs working now I can definitely feel mine that's it guys come on keep it go we can do it you're gonna work through this together no one is quitting on me we're going to go all the way through the end of the workout it's not that long you do this every day you really overly improve those ABS see a flatter stomach whew I can feel it it's getting sweaty in here give me one more family now when you slip over again we're going to do those famous Russian twists so you can either do it with your legs like the feet on the ground or bring them up in the air it's gonna make it harder well why want you to do right now is only to look at your hands make sure that your eyes are following your hands try and get really right to the side of you we were really gonna be worked in those obliques that's these side muscles here and breathe come on inhale exhale squeeze come on keep it going last one turning onto your stomach again we're going to get into a push-up position and we're gonna bring one leg in here and hold it for 15 seconds pull that tummy in don't put your bottom in the air keep the spine nice and neutral whoo god it's getting it's hot in here Stephanie hotter and near the knees in the studio whoo and the next one let's go hold it here bro 15 seconds and breathe don't think about the pain just keep it going just inhale and exhale come on keep that tummy pulled in you got it guys you can do it all the way to the end it's a few more exercises I'm gonna make these spins back around on yourself I know it's up and down up and down but that's good for the extra calorie we're gonna put our legs up into the air at one of my favorites – it's gonna do single leg drops so we're gonna be working those lower abs anything when your back is flat on the floor and your legs are out it's finger than they going down towards the ground like shutter clicks is eclipse scissor clicks scissor kicks or these leg drops you're gonna be working those lower abs a lot of people the hardest thing to work bottom down tell me abs okay come on look you want to go and give me one more we're gonna stay up here we're gonna do circles we're gonna go to the left no we go to the right breast for 30 seconds and then to the left I am seriously dyslexic when it comes to my left wing right I know we go to bits but it's always a bit embarrassing do that today when a stripper we should dance to make more must alert myself I say the wrong way oh that's like when I'm driving in the car and you're passing goes right turn that and there turn this no other left happens all the time whoa okay come on keep it going go to the left now we are now we're going to let missus double check yeah that's fine do you know where you do this you hold your hands up this looks like a left and L that helps me out you said to do honors at ballet all the time you understand the left or the way of the bow is just cool and it works keep it going come on feel the burn I can really feel my ABS working now so I'm just keep talking to you scratchy from the burn that you're feeling come on keep it going you've only got five seconds left to go whew three two one you're a stick with working on lower abs because they are the hardest thing to work so we're just gonna be doing flutter kicks now you can bring your legs up here you want to try and keep your back that's flat on the floor as you can yes you do Harvey or if he's just gonna let you just like a little a little edge it's a nice little break for me we've got a whole minute of these okay so make sure your back is flat on the ground if you can take it lower that's brilliant but then you're really not gonna feel that bird we don't want to arch your back keep it going come on this is pain but it feels good the burn feels good I can feel the burn on Rebecca yes I can those have you been saying you can feel it and it's working for you let's get everybody involved with get more view into this being the burn working on your abs working out your legs you just feel so good after you exercise I've lost my other fellow trainer but help me is still here you still with me listen come on Alfie we can do it can't we buddy yes that's his expressional face he doesn't have much an expression okay you're almost there I promise you've got five seconds left come on keep it going oh I can feel those ABS working and release whoa big breath and big breath out oh my goodness definitely you're hot in here and that was an awesome workout really felt that one they have it there's the nine moves that really are gonna get that flat stomach we're gonna get you into shape it's coming up to summer so everyone wants to get ready for this or you know in your trunks or your shots so make sure you subscribe my name's Rebecca Louise any questions tweet me on Twitter pilot on Facebook Louise fitness

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