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Full Body Fat Burning Exercises For Women Without Equipment

hey guys I'm your trainer Rebecca Louise and today on xit I'm going to be taking you through a kickboxing workout so let's start by warming up we're going to do 30 seconds of jumping jacks bring those hands all the way up to the top and let's make sure throughout this whole workout video we're breathing and if we need to take some breaks and get some water on board let's keep it up guys 10 seconds and five 4 3 2 1 okay now I want you to imagine that you have a jump rope so we're just going to do 10 seconds of different things pretending that we have a rope with us if you have a skipping rope at home even better you can use it okay I'm going to do 10 seconds just jugging on the spot just little jumps you think about using that skipping rope and they're going to go into big hops now let's take it up big hops is using that skipping rope warming up those arms and those legs okay let's take it into running just warming those hands and arms up okay let's just take it into one jumps one hops just on your right leg to begin with and we're going to swap over onto the left in three two one that's it just think about jumping over that rope three two one now we're going to think about Crossing that skipping rope over and just small jumps that's it really warm up at those arms three two one okay that's your warm up now we're going to go into a jab cross with a duck so legs are heart just a good stance I want you to punch forward with the leg the same arm that your leg is forward punch it forward the other side bring your feet together and duck up and then again on the other side we're going to do 30 seconds of these and all these exercises are just 30 seconds so let's really go for it okay let's go bring it in ducking down remember it's that front arm front leg that punches out first really think about you're going to punch somebody and then you're ducking out the way to get out of the way of their punch less than 10 seconds give me two more punches okay just rotate those shoulders we're now going to go into a bob and weave so I just want you to going up and down we're going to do 15 seconds and then we're going to incorporate a punch so let's take it down get nice and low in those legs you want to avoid that punch that's coming to you okay and you're going to get ready to punch back in three two one okay punch back with that outside arm come on give it some Welly guys five four three two one okay we're going to do side to side crosses so I just want you to punch out to the side you want this arm going out and the same leg's going to be facing the other way and you want to Pivot your feet across we've got 30 seconds let's go guys it follow your eyes to your arm get a nice squat in the middle 20 seconds come on guys punch it hard excellent job guys 10 seconds to go you can slow it down if you need to you can work at your own pace give me one more punch okay uppercuts same stance we're just going to go uppercut each side 30 seconds again let's take it away get a nice Bend in those knees and really use the force in your arms and your shoulders 20 seconds go really thinking about using those arm muscles you really want to punch get that frustration out guys 10 seconds five 4 last punch okay let's take it into a knee strike and front kick so bringing the knee in as a strike and again and then let's kick it Forward okay 30 seconds let's take it away bring that knee in and then just kick nice and high bring that knee in again 20 seconds give it a kick guys and the knees keep it breathing guys 10 seconds to go see if each time you can get it higher when you bring those knees in let's give me two more kicks one on the leg flag and finish let's just shake those legs out we're going to take it into a front kick and pull down we going do 30 seconds again but we're going to alternate each legs so it just looks like this as you kick in front you're going to pull the arm down and step back just like that 30 seconds again come on let's go for it use this arm push it down this is great cardio guys and it's great as well for strengthening those muscles you're going to be proud of yourselves when you finish this guys let's keep it going it's just time 5 Seconds give me one more kick okay the last exercise is going to be for a minute long and it's going to involve punches knee strikes and kicks Okay so we've got punch punch knee we do that for 15 seconds we're going to do a punch punch with a kick and then we're going to turn it on to the other side side so it's a minute total let's take it away really hard with those punches and bring that knee in 5 seconds okay let's take it into that kick so punch punch and then kick it out nice bending your knees this is going to help with that balance and give me one more kick let's swap over onto the other side okay punch punch knee 15 seconds remember we're doing this for time so if you need to slow it down or make it quicker it's entirely up to you okay let's take it into a kick excellent job guys you just got 5 seconds left of your workout don't give up now last kick and there you have it shake out those hands and those feet well that was your kickboxing workout if you think your body can take it all over again why don't you try and go through it all from the beginning if you want to check out a different workout then ex hit has got plenty for you working on your arms your legs your booty it's all there for you my name's Rebecca Louise you can follow me on Twitter at themodel Pilot subscribe to our channel it's fun it's free and it's easy and I hope to see you again next time

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