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Intense Lower Abs Workout Burn Lower Belly Fat

Today we're going to be doing my new favorite abs routine, and this will definitely burn your lower abs. But remember guys, you can't target fat loss in a specific area. You need to do many different exercises to get results. You can now find the full four-week schedule on the website and share your journey via YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. We have an amazing community here to support you. Now click like, leave us comments, and let's get started. We have 16 exercises today. We do exercises one after the other. 30 to 40 seconds of exercise with a 10-second rest in between. Let's start with a landing and entering the leg. Lift your legs up, then lower your legs down. Nice and slow, feel the burn in your abs, then bring your legs in like this and repeat. Stay on your mat, no rest. Here we'll do a reverse crunch. Raise your legs towards your chest as much as possible and bring them back slowly. Make sure you use your core abdominal muscles for this exercise. If you're not flexible, that's totally okay. Just do your best and you will get better with time. Okay, quick 10-second break here. So flip into a high plank position and we're doing some knee bending with your left leg. Try to keep your other leg as straight as possible and make sure to squeeze and work your abdominal muscles. No rest here, we switch to the other leg. Well, great job guys! Now flip yourself onto your back, we lower the leg and then cross the legs while you are in this position. Make sure your back is flat on the floor and do not lower your legs too much if your back is arched. Or you can also raise yourself with your abdominal muscles with a slight crank to make your back flat on the ground. Focus on your abs, guys! Well, no rest here! Raise your chest slightly, rest on your elbows, and we will slowly flap your legs like this. Keep your legs as straight as possible. Just focus on your condition and do it slowly and with steady control. Remember to breathe and focus on your core and lower abs. You are capable! Well done! We have a fast break and we have a single-leg drop. Keep both knees bent like this, then extend them outward, then forward, then up, then to the side. You should feel the burn in your abs now. Well, no rest here. Lay flat on the mat and we do some single-leg crunches while alternating between the knees. Keep it up guys, you are doing great and we are halfway there. We have another 10 second break. Swap it to the high plank position and we have crossbody swipes. Push your knee forward, then pull it to the other side and repeat on the other leg. Make sure you engage your abdominal muscles. No rest here! Get into a low plank as we press to the side with your legs. If you're feeling tired and need a little break, just hold a plank or if you're feeling strong, do planks and jumping jacks instead. Okay, short rest. Get into a sitting position, while leaning back slightly and bringing your left leg in, then out, then lift it and repeat. Make sure you do it slowly and steadily and focus on the position you are doing for this purpose. You will feel the burn in your abdominal muscles. No rest here, let's switch to the other leg. Great job guys, just four more exercises. Lay flat on your mat and use our jackknife. You raise both your hands and legs to touch each other, and do your best to keep your limbs as straight as possible. This is difficult, so you have a 10-second break after this. Great job guys! Now sit on your ass and we have a U-boat. Just 2 minutes of exercise Bend back as far as possible, while raising your leg from side to side. Remember who you are squeezing and engaging your abdominal muscles. Keep it up guys! No rest here, we'll go straight to the in and out legs. Give it your all, guys! Another exercise after this. You've come this far, so just don't give up now! Great job, we have a ten second break and the final exercise is a reverse crane and a variation. Lift your hips off the ground, using your core abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your hips down, then extend your legs like this. Give this all you got, guys. Come on, we'll break down this last exercise. Great job everyone! I hope your abs feel the burn. If you enjoyed this exercise, hit like, and I'll see you in the next one. See you soon!

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