Weight Loss at Home Easy

Thigh Fat Burner – Level Up Beginner and Intermediate

hey guys and welcome back to my youtube channel so the highly requested videos that you guys wanted to see were partner workouts so today i'm bringing you a bunch of different partner workouts here with my lovely sister so for this workout we're going to be doing a fire fat burner it's going to include some cardio as well as some toning routines so keep up as best as you can now as this is a partner workout guys follow ellie if you guys want to do advanced or intermediate and if you want beginners pregnancy or you have any injuries follow along with me at a slower pace [Music] [Applause] okay guys welcome to your flight fat burner so for the first 40 seconds what you're going to be doing is if you're following me we're just going to be marching on the spot if you're a bit more intermediate advanced and you're following ellie you're going to be doing high knees so for either one what you want to make sure is that you're going at a pace that's comfortable for you but you're challenging yourself you're moving those arms if you're doing ellie's one then make sure you're really lifting those knees as high as possible keep breathing through guys [Music] excellent 20 second rest here guys just catch your breath if you've been doing ellie's and for the next one guys you're going to go into curtsy lunges but you're going to be staying on one side and you're just going to pulse up and down okay guys let's go so you want to curtsy back hold that pose do what i'm doing and just go up and down [Music] so this one is going to help to really burn out those thighs guys you want a bit more of a challenge you can go slower really feel that burn make sure you're keeping that core engaged and you're breathing excellent job guys just shake those legs out 20 second rest here [Music] okay guys for the next one you're going back into running on the spot so again if you're following ellie get those legs as high as you can if you're following me we're just marching on the spot here or you can jog if you want to up the momentum slightly again keep everything engaged keep the core sucked in and move those arms weight on my shoulders messed up i want to stay together but i need someone who's holding and oh if someone and stop excellent work guys catch a breath here for the next move guys you're going into those curtsy lunges pulsing again but on the other leg so make sure you're doing the opposite one to the first exercise so suck everything in come down into the curtsy and just go up and down if you want a challenge remember guys go slow and go as low as you can make sure you're breathing through these exercises you're keeping your back up nice and straight hips forward [Music] and that's it shake those legs up guys 20 second rest here before we go into another cardio move so guys for the next move if you follow along here with ellie and you want to up the pace you're going to go into squat jumps so you're going to go as low as you can and jump as high as you can if you're following me you're just going to come down into a squat position and as you come up you're going to come up onto your toes and then come back down into a squat position so again with each squat guys you want to make sure you're going as low as possible you want to squeeze those glutes as you come up and you want to keep that core intact and engaged that's it make sure you're breathing ellie's taking a break but she's back in it that's it guys keep going down and up excellent work excellent guys take a 20 second break here grab some water if you need some and then make sure you come right back for the next move guys you're going to come down into a squat position and all you're going to do is move those thighs in and out so again for an extra challenge here you can go down as low as you like just like ellie's doing here she's really engaging her legs and her glutes by going as low as possible and bringing those knees as close as she can i on the other hand is standing a little bit taller i'm squatting down keeping my pelvis neutral and i'm slowly bringing those knees in and out excellent come back up guys shake those legs out 20 seconds so for the next move we're going into another cardio focus smooth and we're going into skaters so get ready for this one [Music] so guys if you follow along with ellie what you're going to do is you're going to jump to each side and you're going to try and get some height and go as quickly as you can if you follow along with me with more of the beginners you're just going to step to the side and make sure you cross that leg behind use those arms to give you some momentum on both of them guys make sure you're breathing keeping that core contracted again and you're going at a pace that's getting your right heart rate up [Music] fabulous work guys 20 second recipe and you're going into the last exercise [Music] okay guys for the next move all you're going to do is you're going to keep your pelvis neutral and you're going to go down almost into a plie but they're going to be frog plio so you're going to try and go as low as you can and come up so this is the same whether you're intermediate advanced or beginner you just want to drop as low as possible controlling the movement and squeezing those thighs as you come up so nice control guys this isn't about how many quantities you can get in this is about the quality so nice and slow that's it guys well done so guys that is the end of your workout i hope you all really did enjoy this if you did don't forget to hit the like and the subscribe button just below this video and also if you want to find out the best diet and training program for you then check out the free quiz that i have in the description box now i want to hear from you tell me what was your favorite workout let me know in the comments below [Music] you

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